
Themer can help you themifying your css.


npm install @sil/themer


In your global CSS file.

@import "@sil/themer/app";

In a component file, this version does come with all the functions, but without any output.

@import "@sil/themer/use";


In order to use custom settings, colors or anything. You have to create a themer.json file in the root of your project. The root file can/should contain these custom settings.

Example themer.json:

  "colors": {
    "background": "#ffffff",
    "foreground": "#111111",
    "primary": "#01eeff",
    "secondary": "#f7166c",
    "tertiary": "#6a2ef7"
  "settings": {
    "prefix": "my-project",

When the root file is created, you run ```npx @sil/themer initin your project. This will create atheme.scssfile in thesrc/style` folder.

When the theme.scss file is created, you have to add import it to your file’

@import "theme.scss";
@import "@sil/themer/app"; // or -> @import "sil/themer/use";

All settings have been split up into; settings, base, colors and typography.


key value
prefix ""
colorsModes true
colorsSteps 10, 25, 50, 75, 90
colorsShades true
colorText true
breakpointNames small, medium, large
breakpointSizes 0, 720, 1200


key value
borderRadius 1em
shadow 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
space 1em
transition 0.3s ease-in-out


key value
background #ffffff
foreground #111111
primary #01eeff
secondary #f7166c
tertiary #6a2ef7
caution #fed02f
warning #fd8324
error #fc1b1c
info #7abffc
success #54d577


key value
borderRadius 1em
shadow 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
space 1em
transition 0.3s ease-in-out


By default all defined code will be outputed, but if you don’t need the color shades, or automatic text colors. You can also disable this.

$theme-settings: (
  prefix: "my-project",

@import "@sil/themer/app";

Functions & Mixins


Variable is the main function of themer, variable will help you create the custom properties automatically based on the information given. It will determine if the value given has a default and automatically add these defaults.

tip: You can also just use v instead of variable


// $theme-settings: ( prefix: 'myProject' );

.example {
  background-color: v(backgroundColor, primary);
  color: v(Color, foreground);
  top: 0;


.example {
  background-color: var(
    var(--my-project-primary, #ff9900)
  color: var(--my-project-example-color, var(--my-project-foreground, #ffffff));
  top: 0;


To make it even easier and faster, there is the property mixin. The property mixin will automatically determine which property will have custom property and create the custom properties based on it’s parent class and the prefix determined in settings.


// $theme-settings: ( prefix: 'myProject' );

.example {
  @include property(
      background-color: background,
      color: foreground,
      top: 0,


.example {
  background-color: var(
    var(--my-project-background, #ffffff)
  color: var(--my-project-example-color, var(--my-project-foreground, #ffffff));
  top: 0;


The custom properties mixin creates a list of custom properties based on the settings provided. The CustomProperties is an internal mixin which is used in the app file to create all the defaults.


// $theme-settings: ( prefix: 'myProject' );

// Default theme base
$base: (
  borderRadius: 1em,
  shadow: 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1),
  space: 1em,
  transition: 0.3s ease-in-out,

:root {
  @include customProperties($base);


:root {
  --my-project-border-radius: 1em;
  --my-project-shadow: 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
  --my-project-space: 1em;
  --my-project-transition: 0.3s ease-in-out;